What's TeamSnap?
Our coaching staff communicates with their team's players and families on TeamSnap, which can be accessed via their app or desktop version. At our club, it is primarily used for team communication, to collect availability for games/tournaments and allows for parent-to-parent communication to coordinate carpooling, etc. All messages sent from your coach will be accessible on TeamSnap, but are also delivered via email to the addresses on file.

At the start of each season, families will receive an invitation to join TeamSnap as a Team Member, sent to the email used to register for tryouts. From there, you'll be able to invite your additional family members.
Please make sure that both parents/guardians have been added to your players account. View "How to Add Family or Contacts to a Profile" (it's very quick and easy!).
Just getting added? No worries! All past team communications, including emails from coaches (sent on TeamSnap) will be archived and available for you to review. Please take a few moments to read these communications and get caught up.
If you are not receiving these invitations/emails, please check for the spam folder. If you've ever unsubscribed from a previous team's TeamSnap account, you must go back in and re-add yourself, or you will not get emails from your player's current team.