Join us for Portland's largest youth soccer tournament, the 23rd annual PCU Summer Classic Tournament, July 11-13, 2025!
We welcome over 250 teams from across the PNW and Canada each year. Division awards for 1st place (trophy and medals) & 2nd place (medals). A majority of games to be played at Buckman Field, Portland Christian and Delta Park in Portland, OR. Schedules will be posted by July 3rd, 2025.
Our tournament is open to U9-U19 teams and will accommodate Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels, registered by the 2025/26 calendar year according to US Soccer requirements.
Age-Group | Birth-Year | Entry Fee | Roster Size | Players on Field | Minimum # of Games | Game Length |
U9 | 2017 | $499* | 14 | 7 | 3 | 2x25min |
U10 | 2016 | $499* | 14 | 7 | 3 | 2x25min |
U11 | 2015 | $649* | 18 | 9 | 4 | 2x30min |
U12 | 2014 | $649* | 18 | 9 | 4 | 2x30min |
U13 | 2013 | $799* | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2x30min |
U14 | 2012 | $799* | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2x30min |
U15 | 2011 | $799* | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2x30min |
U16 | 2010 | $799* | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2x30min |
U17 | 2009 | $799* | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2x30min |
U18 | 2008 | $799* | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2x30min |
U19 | 2007 | $799* | 22 | 11 | 4 | 2x30min |
* +4% credit card fee, if applicable. Cash/check payments due during check-in on July 11th. Card payments will be charged once team is accepted by our registrar. Schedules will be posted by July 4th, 2025.
Registration Deadline: Monday, June 23, 2025 at 11:59pm
No refunds after registration deadline.
Travel Accommodations
The PCU Summer Classic Tournament is a Stay & Play event. Traveling teams are required make all hotel reservations through our partner.
If you have questions, please click here to contact Sport Specific Travel or call at 1-888-227-8138 or 503-238-8138.
Team Check-In
Coaches & Managers, please plan to check-in your team/s one hour prior to your first game by visiting Tournament Headquarters (Delta Park & Buckman Field) or the Field Marshal tent (all other fields) wherever you play your first game:
HQ - Delta Park Owens Sports Complex (10737 N Union Ct, Portland, OR 97217) - Map HQ - Buckman Field Sports Complex (426 NE 12th St. Portland, OR 97232) - Map Portland Christian High School (12425 NE San Rafael St, Portland, OR 97230) - Map Columbia Park & Annex (4503 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97203) - Map Lents Park (4808 SE 92nd Ave, Portland, OR 97266) - Map Mary Rieke Sports Field (1405 S Vermont St, Portland, OR 97219) - Map
Bring the following with you to check-in:
1. Five Copies Team Roster
There is no official tournament roster and you're welcome to create yours in any format. Coach's must present 5 copies of their team's roster, (signed by their club's registrar and include all participating players names, birthdates & jersey numbers) during check-in, to be stamped by tournament staff. Coaches/Managers will give one copy of their stamped rosters to the Field Marshal before each game.
*No player cards, signed rosters only
All players must be registered with their national youth soccer association, (affiliated, directly or indirectly with FIFA). Players may be listed on one roster only and play with only one team. Teams may not add to their roster after the team’s first game of the tournament.
U9-10 - 7v7 - Roster max of 14 players
U11-12 - 9v9 - Roster max of 18 players
U13-U19 - 11v11 - Roster max of 22 players
Please download/print page 2 of the Team Check-In Packet and bring a complete copy with you to check-in. We will have paper copies available if you do not have a printer.
3. Payment
Payment is required prior to first game. If you have not pre-paid by card, please bring exact cash or a check made out to PCU.
4. Medical Releases
All rostered players must have a signed medical release with them at all games. We do not check these, but teams should have them available for each game in case of an injury.
Download Blank Medical Release
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact
Where can I find the schedule?
What are the roster requirements?
There is no official tournament roster and you're welcome to create yours in any format. Coach's must present 5 copies of their team's roster, (signed by their club's registrar and include all participating players names, birthdates & jersey numbers) during check-in, to be stamped by tournament staff. No player cards, signed rosters only. All players must be registered with their national youth soccer association, (affiliated, directly or indirectly with FIFA). No need to input roster into GotSoccer.
Players may be listed on one roster only and play with only one team. Teams may not add to their roster after the team’s first game of the tournament.
Coaches/Managers will give one copy of their stamped rosters to the field marshal 30 minutes prior to each game.
What are the rules and explanations of the brackets?
Coaching staff should confirm final score of each game with the center referee prior to leaving the field. Any scoring mistakes can be reported to and must be submitted within 24 hours (please include game #).
Where are games played and where should my team warm-up?
Games will be played at the following fields. See map for parking directions:
Delta Park Owens Sports Complex (10737 N Union Ct, Portland, OR 97217) - Map Buckman Field Sports Complex (426 NE 12th St. Portland, OR 97232) - Map Portland Christian High School (12425 NE San Rafael St, Portland, OR 97230) - Map Columbia Park & Annex (4503 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97203) - Map Lents Park (4808 SE 92nd Ave, Portland, OR 97266) - Map Mary Rieke Sports Field (1405 S Vermont St, Portland, OR 97219) - Map
Warm-up space is limited at Delta Park. Options include the center space located on Field 8 near the back of the goal, the space behind the Strasser Field bleachers, or the area beyond Field 5.
Certified trainer & first aid, tournament merchandise and food carts are available at Delta Park.
Please do not leave any valuables in your cars (leave it show-room empty).
What awards are given and when will my team receive them?
Division awards for 1st (trophy and medals) & 2nd place (medals) will be presented on the field the final game is played. In divisions involving pool play, awards will only be presented after the scorekeeper declares that top finishers.
Team photo opportunities with official tournament champion and finalist banners are available along the fence between Field 8 and the parking lot at Delta Park.
Contact Tournament Communications Director -
Contact Tournament Director -
Contact Tournament Scheduler & Scorekeeper -
Mailing Address: 3439 NE Sandy Blvd #348, Portland OR 97232