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Sports Recruiting USA Partnership

Updated: Mar 13

Portland City United Soccer Club (PCUSC) is proud to announce a partnership with the World’s leading U.S. College Soccer recruiting agency, Sports Recruiting USA, to bring further opportunities for our college bound players.

Jeff Enquist (PCU, Director of Coaching) and Michael Chrisman (PCU, College Recruitment Director) have been working closely with SRUSA over the last few months to take this from an idea to reality, and during that time building relationships with Danny Reynolds and Don Williams of SRUSA.

This partnership further adds additional resources to our players here at the club, including the following:

● 1-on-1 support with all players registered with SRUSA and families
● Staff available 24/7 for college recruiting questions
● College recruiting webinars for the club
● Regular meetings with club staff
● College soccer level suitability assessments
● In person visit from SRUSA to PCU each year
● All players in the SRUSA pool of players

Don Williams, Head of North America said this about the partnership, “Dear Team, SRUSA are thrilled about our new partnership with Portland City United! The opportunity to work alongside Portland City United offers a unique and promising path forward. We are excited about giving each player the tools they need to get recruited and helping them along the way with any questions they may have. Together, we will leverage our expertise and resources to create exposure for this club, ensuring a brighter future for countless youth players coming through the system. SRUSA are eager to see the positive outcomes that will emerge from this partnership and look forward to walking this path with such a dynamic and forward-thinking team. Here’s to a successful collaboration!"

Michael Chrisman, the College Recruitment Director said this about the partnership:

"With the ever changing landscape of collegiate athletics, at PCU, we want to be at the forefront of innovation to give our athletes the best possible pathway for them to achieve their dreams. Aligning with SRUSA quickly became a priority on our list this year with their ability to have staff on site for our new college showcase, availability for our athletes, honest feedback and dialogue, all while being top of their industry standard. We could not be more thrilled for their excitement and support of PCU and our players.”

For more information on SRUSA, head to or follow them on Instagram @sportsrecruitingusa.



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